Wedding Services
A joyous celebration, a wonderful beginning of a spiritual union. A love-filled gathering where two become one under God.
"Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother, and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." GENESIS 2:24
At Pastoral Care Associates, it is one of the most desired and fun services that we provide. PCA chaplains are willing to preside over your wedding.
Pastoral Care Associates, however, exclusively only preside over Covenant Marriages.
Arizona Revised Statute 25-901 defines a Covenant Marriage:
A solemn declaration that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for as long as they both live. They have chosen each other carefully and have received premarital counseling on the nature, purposes and responsibilities of marriage. They understand that a covenant marriage is for life. If they experience marital difficulties, they shall commit themselves to take all reasonable efforts to preserve their marriage, including marital counseling. With full knowledge of what this commitment means, they do declare that their marriage will be bound by Arizona law on covenant marriages and they promise to love, honor, and care for one another as husband and wife for the rest of their lives.
For more information about a PCA chaplain officiating at your wedding ceremony, please use the Contact Page to get more information.
"So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." MATTHEW 19:6